• Overview

    Career and Technical Education thrives in North Carolina. Virtually every high school student takes at least one career and technical education course, and one in four students take three or more courses in a specific program area.

    Career and Technical Education courses are offered in grades 6-12 in Gates County Public Schools. Foundational courses are offered at the middle school to allow students to develop their interests and to prepare them for the appropriate career pathway upon entering high school. Gates County Public Schools offers courses in six pathways to include, Agriculture, Business, Finance and Information Technology, Marketing, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health Sciences, and Technology Education.



    Public Notification

    Pursuant to federal legislation, notification is provided that Career and Technical Education opportunities in Gates County Schools will be offered without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, religious preference, disability, marriage or pregnancy.  Program offerings are available at the middle and high school levels in accordance with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Guide for Career and Technical Education, Public Schools of North Carolina, and local Board of Education policies.  Programs are offered in the following areas:  Agriculture Education, Business and Information Technology Education, Health Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Career Development, Marketing Education, Technology Education and Trade and Industrial Education.