Phone: (252) 357 - 0720 (no known extension 😬)
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre (UNCC) Graduate Certificate to Teach Theatre in NC K-12 (UNCC)
James Shafer
"To grow as a theatre artisan and to inspire artistry in every student"
I have taught Theatre Arts in the NC Public School System for 10.5 years (2013 to 2023)
Theatre is "organized storytelling to entertain" and I couldn't be happier to share my passion and knowledge of this art form with young minds - I have THE BEST JOB EVER!!!
This is my second year at Gates County High School (23-24)
In my first year at GCHS (22-23), my classes and Playmakers (the club established for dramatic performance) performed six major performances (A Christmas Celebration!, Selections from Spoon River Anthology and Silence, The Comedy of Errors, The Cherry Orchard, A Night of Fairy Tales, and A Night of Poetry) and toured the elementary schools and Gates House with the one acts from A Night of Fairy Tales - it was a GREAT year!!!
In all of my classes and Playmakers we operate under the two ideals: BE RESPECTFUL and BE RESPONSIBLE
I have high expectations for myself and for all of my students/classes. My classes are usually very fun and rewarding, but not without challenge and learning. We succeed because I insist on success. In my workspace there is no such thing as an "easy A," but there is a "well-earned A" and I hope all students experience that!
The academic grade for students in all classes is based on the following criteria:
Journals -25%
Participation - 25%
Tests and Quizzes - 25% (Tests - 15%, Quizzes/Homework - 10%)
Performance - 25%
All students are expected to try. I firmly believe that the best learning (for this subject) happens when students "do" the work - so students will be expected to perform. I will nurture them and help to develop their skills so that not only are they prepared for performance, but that they can perform well. As long as a student tries - they can succeed! A "well-earned A," never an "easy A"
I can be reached via email most reliably. I look forward to working with you this year!!!