Important Dates
November 22, 2024 - Cap and Gown Orders due (See Mrs. Badgett or Mrs. Casper if you have any questions)
April 8, 2025- There will be a Senior Meeting to discuss dress code and expectations for graduation ceremony with Seniors.
May 2, 2025 - ALL fines, fees, books, and any other school property is to be paid/returned by this date.
May 14, 2025 - tentative date for Senior Walk
May 30, 2025 - GRADUATION Practice is mandatory! 10:00 AM in the New Gym
Dress Code for Graduation:
- Ladies: knee-length dresses of any color or black dress pantsLadies
- Shoes: black or neutral dress shoes NO sandals (anything with a strap)
- Gentlemen: white collared button-down shirt, tie of any color, black or khaki pants
- Gentlemen Shoes: black or brown DRESS shoes
- NO alterations to cap or gown
- NO unapproved Stoles (approved stoles are HOSA, FFA, Morehead, Navy, Beta) these will need to be handed out by the club sponsors ONLY!