Career and Technical
Education Department
Phone: (252) 357-0720 + extension
e-mail: user id + @gatescountyschools.net
Name / link to page Classes extension user id R. Leary Special Populations Coordinator
288 learyrb B. Wiant (Interim Teacher) Food and Nutrition I and II, Food Technology
245 wiantbh D. White Ag Mechanics278 whitewd B. MatthewsSport and Event Marketing I and II, Computer Science
298 matthewsb A. Brinkley AgriScience, Horticulture278 brinkleyam D. HudsonTech Design, Tech Engineering
268 hudsondl C. RountreeFoundations of Health Science, Health Science, Nursing Fundamentals
297 rountreecj W. HobbsWord, Business Essentials, Career Management
299 hobbswp A. Harrell Career Development Coordinator
246 harrellal