• Role of the Local Homeless Education Liaison in the Implementation of the McKinney Vento Act



    The local homeless education liaison plays a key role in the implementation of the McKinney Vento Act in the school district. The local liaison ensures that school staff members understand the homeless definition, the rights of homeless children and youth, and the procedures for enrolling these students immediately and linking them to services. The local liaison also makes sure that homeless parents and unaccompanied youth are informed of the educational protections in the law by displaying posters in each school and in community agencies and other locations where homeless families and youth are likely to go.


    The local liaison reviews a family’s or youth’s circumstances, makes an eligibility determination, and helps the children and youth enroll in school and receive services, including but not limited to tutoring, school supplies, and free meals. If a parent, guardian, or unaccompanied youth disagree with the school district over enrollment, the local liaison provides written notice of the school district’s decision and information on how the decision may be appealed.


    The local liaison collaborates with community agencies. This collaboration ranges from providing information and posters to increase awareness of the McKinney Vento Act to coordinating joint activities to bring a full range of services to homeless children, youth and their families.


    The homeless liaison for Gates County Schools is Jeremy Wright who also serves as the Assistant Superintendent for Gates County Schools. If you have questions or concerns regarding McKinney Vento legislation, please contact Mr. Wright at 252-357-1113 x 21 or by email at wrightje@gatescountyschools.net The State Coordinator for McKinney Vento is Mrs. Lisa Phillips and she may be reached by email at lphillip@serve.org.