Disputes Under the McKinney Vento Act
In most cases, the district, the homeless student, and/or the unaccompanied homeless youth will be in agreement about what is in the student’s best interest, including which school is in his or her best interest to attend. In some cases, however, the position of the school district may differ from that of the parent of a homeless student or the unaccompanied youth. In these instances, the parent of the homeless youth or the unaccompanied youth may use the McKinney Vento dispute resolution process to dispute the school district’s decision, if desired. Local liaisons must ensure that parents of homeless children and unaccompanied youth have access to the dispute resolution process and that the dispute is resolved promptly and in accordance with the law. Gates County Schools policy outlines the grounds for a dispute and is consistent with the process required by the State Board of Education in the North Carolina Code 16 N.C.A.C. 6H.0112.